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Commercial Debt Arbitration

/ How We Can Help Your Business

Is Debt Arbitration Right For You?

Debt arbitration, also known as debt negotiation or debt settlement is one way companies resolve their corporate debt. The debt arbitration process consists of negotiating a lump sum payment amount which fits your companies budget like a key. It can be an efficient way to pay off your debts and move forward with your business, without declaring bankruptcy which has recently become more difficult. YOU CAN DO THIS BY YOURSELF and NOT RUN YOUR BUSINESS or you can hire our firm.

You may be wondering why your creditors would be willing to agree with our recommendations for payment. This is because they fear that the alternative will be bankruptcy. Carlton • Bentley and Penn, Inc. will assist you in the commercial debt arbitration process and thus help your company avoid bankruptcy.

A small business, under this Bankruptcy law is defined as any business with $2,000 in debt or more. Here are a few of the provisions that will make filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 Commercial Bankruptcy much riskier for a small business.

What Is Commercial Debt Arbitration and How Does It Differ From Business Bankruptcy?

Arbitration and negotiation never become part of the public record, while a bankruptcy does. A bankruptcy will remain on your credit report for some time and is a legal document that is recorded with your state. Commercial debt arbitration or commercial debt negotiation results in settlements with your creditors and although your credit may look spotty for a short while, it will rebound more quickly than with a bankruptcy.

Contact Carlton • Bentley and Penn, Inc. today and start your path back to financial freedom.

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